Swiss roll

Ingredients for the recipe πŸ‘†
The dry ingredients _ Flour, baking powder and soda πŸ‘†
Adding wet ingredients_sugar + oil+ milk πŸ‘†
Adding custard powder to 3/4 of the batterπŸ‘†
Adding Cocoa and coffee powder to 1/4 of the batter πŸ‘†
Cocoa coffee powder batter πŸ‘†
The marbled beautyπŸ‘†
OMG! This is the bottom of the cake πŸ‘†
The cake is all rolled up with the fillingπŸ‘†
Don'tπŸ‘†dump the crumbs in the trash .  Mix them with chocolate sauce and dry fruits . Make  a dough and roll them into   balls. You can even roll the balls in coconut .
A Swiss Roll is a sponge cake filled with jam, cream,  butter cream or any filling that you fancy . The roll can be plain or even be a designer one with fancy designs on it . It may also be covered with chocolate or other frosting . Sky is the limit when making the sponge and filling for this showstopper of any gathering.
          Though I have made this earlier also,I am never confident about going about it . Making a perfect Swiss Roll without cracks is a real rocket science. More so  if it is an eggless version . Rolling the sponge without a disaster can be really challenging . It requires real skill , which I am afraid I still have to master .
              Now that I had taken up the challenge,  I searched the net for one which would suit my requirements . I am not in favor of using artificial  food colours  , ingredients that would burn a hole in the pocket and most importantly won't require me to be in'the kitchen for too long prepping for the final product .
                  Finally my search ended and I zeroed out on this  . The ingredients were all available in my kitchen . The original recipe used food coloring . But that was no issue . I swapped it with cocoa powder .
                 The sponge has a marble effect . I have used my favorite chocolate sauce for the filling .
      I remember once when I wanted to take Swiss Rolls for my colleagues, I made a huge sponge cake . Then cut it horizontally into three parts and then rolled them up . Gosh ! What a Herculean task that was ! But the appreciation I got made up for all the tensions . I had filled them with jam .
Mix into a smooth batter
Whole wheat flour _ 1 cup (can use refined Flour ( Maida )
Sugar (powdered)  _ 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp to sprinkle )
Baking powder.      _ 1 tsp
Baking soda.          _. 1/2 tsp
Refined Oil.              _. 1/3 cup 
Milk as needed to make the batter
Cocoa powder + coffee powder
Custard powder (optional)
Chocolate sauce / jam  ( or any other filling of your choice
( Originally Swiss Rolls were made with jam fillings)
Preheat oven to 180° celcius for 5 minutes
Grease and line a baking dish
Mix all the ingredients for the  sponge cake to form a smooth batter
Take out 1/4 of the cake batter in a small bowl .
Add  1tbsp cocoa powder and pinch coffee powder ( I love the  flavor of coffee )   in it and mix so that the they are well incorporated .
To the rest of the batter add 1 tbsp of custard powder ( optional)
Now pour the Chocolate and custard batter alternatively into the cake dish
Make a random swirling design with a tooth pick
Bake for 10 _ 15 or till done
Sprinkle a butter paper ( I used brown paper) with sugar powder and keep on a plate or tray
Turn the  cake on it
Remove  the brown paper which was used to bake the cake
Roll the cake along with the paper on the plate / tray
Keep the roll aside to cool
Keep  the roll on a plate and unroll carefully
Spread the filling and roll back with the paper
Keep the roll in the fridge to set
Remove the paper and cut the roll into slices .
Serve with pride
What to do when your cake does not turn out according to your expectations ? Dump it in the trash 😀 . No I hate wastage . So that is out of question . So here's what I did . I crumbled it up . Added some chocolate sauce and made a soft dough . Rolled it out between butter paper . Put in a filling of crushed dry fruits and chocolate sauce ( I had nothing else at hand)
Rolled it up
Kept the roll in the fridge for sometime and then sliced them up
Voila  they are converted to yummy FUDGY SWISS ROLLS  But my husband doesn't like chewy cakes , fussy as he is . No issues . I will devour them all to my hearts content . Hubby's loss is my gain . Who would refuse a yummy chocolatey treat .


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